Is it even possible to libel a pseudonymous individual?
Oh for the love of Crudup, this is exactly like the Iocaine powder scene in The Princess Bride...
From yesterday's "joke" submitter:
"I expect an apology as unfortunately that whole story,
with the possible exception of being the perfect
boyfriend, is completely true. The visit to the set
was arranged though the the Make-A-Wish foundation and
my girlfriend accompanied her sister and mother down
to North Carolina. Her sister actually appears
briefly in the episode, "Barefoot at Capefest", in a
non-speaking role. She not only got to meet the cast
and appear on the show, but also had dinner with Josh
Jackson. It was probably not the most prudent thing
to confront her about cheating while she was there,
but my emotions superceded my better judgement. I
think part of the reason that I stayed with her
despite my overwhelming suspicion of her
unfaithfulness was the guilt of having blemished her
sister's visit . I recommend that in the future
before calling someone a liar in print that you give
them the courtesy of proving themselves first. I
would have provided substantiating details if asked.
If you disqualify my story for any reason, it should
be because it slightly exceeds the 200-word limit."
Best regards,
- Beat Royalty